Posted on 27 March, 2017

(1) Incident Type : HIJACKED  |  Vessel Type : FISHING DHOW
24 March  |  Posn: 07-56.39N 049-53.03E | Eyl, Somalia

A fishing Dhow has been hijacked in the vicinity of Eyl. The crew of the Dhow were immediately disembarked from the vessel prior to the pirates heading to the open sea. The nature of this incident is unique to this area and concerns have been raised, due to this Dhow now having the potential for being utilised as a Mothership within the Somalian waters.


The Fishing Dhow hijacked on 24th March has been released. The pirates left after taking a skiff, food, and diesel but their whereabouts are unknown. The last reported position of the Dhow was 70 NM from Qalansyia, Socotra Island.


(2) Incident Type : BOARDED  |  Vessel Type : BULK CARRIER 
 22 March  |  Posn: 19-48.85S 034-50.06E | Beira, Mozambique

During cargo operations, duty crew on routine rounds onboard a bulk carrier noticed two robbers armed with knives on the poop deck. Chief Officer informed via walkie talkie. Crew mustered and then proceed to the poop deck. Seeing the crew alertness, the robber jumped overboard and escaped without stealing anything.



* Source: IMB, ICC, Media (World/ Local)





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